The aim of the project was not simply to document the experiences and responses of our co-researchers, but more importantly to generate knowledge that could be mobilized to create change.
Community engagement workshops and development of community-driven Best Bets
The creative methods described elsewhere on this site were followed with a series of activities that facilitated the generation of community-driven “Best Best” – that is, recommendations for resilience actions that might improve the situation in each of the three sites. Workshops were held that brought together co-researchers and other community members in each site, along with some representatives of local organisations and local government.

You can find out more about the three sets of site-specific Best Bets elsewhere on this website.
Co-production towards urban resilience indaba
On 28th September 2022, the project team facilitated a co-production indaba aimed at thinking through the challenges of urban resilience, using the community-driven Best Bets. This event brought together co-researchers, community members and local stakeholders, gate-keepers and policy-makers.